Tuesday, 15 June 2010


YES YES YES YES YES YES YES THE HORROR IS OVER. So i've finally finished my SRP report and my booklet and I feel so free now. So i'm planning to stay up and watch Spain vs Switzerland in the World Cup (: Although i have to start studying for the science test tomorrow... I guess i won't be sleeping well for the next couple of weeks because of the stupid world cup. OKAY. THIS IS THE LAST BLOG POST YOU'LL RECEIVE FROM ME. ME + SCIENCE = OVER.
Yup okay i'm done. bye.

Friday, 11 June 2010


So I conducted the experiment over the last two days, well it mainly involved popping a whole lot of popcorn but anyways, here are the results. I counted the number of unpopped kernels left in the bag after it was popped in the microwave for 2 minutes. I repeated the experiment 3 times for each brand; Uncle Toby's, You'll Love Coles, and Chazoos.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010


Pictures from the experiment. It pretty much describes the steps taken (method).

Top Picture: Popcorn packet before it's popped. Note the size and shape of the packet.
Second Picture from top: the popcorn packet is placed in the microwave and set for 2 minutes. You can see the flatness of it at 1:03 minutes.
Third Picture from top: the packet is still in the microwave with 45 seconds to go. Compare Picture 2 with 3 and you can see the shape of the packet has increased as the kernels start to pop into popcorn.
Fourth picture from top: Packet after it's been popped and still in microwave.
Last picture: This was taken after it was taken out of the microwave and opened. I had to eat all the popcorn to count the kernels.

Let's pop.

Sorry, it's been a while since i've updated my blog but only because my Google died and that means everything google powered also died, including blogspot. ANYWAYS. So I started my experiment today. Yesterday i went to Coles and I bought two different brands of popcorn to test: Uncle Toby's and Coles. Originally i was planning to test around 3 brands but i changed it to two since they were on special LOL. i'm such a cheap asian.
I also picked these two because they were both buttered flavour, required the same time to pop and they were the same amount in each packet.
I'll post results up later and pictures in my next post.